Talking Billboards
Advertising Specialties
About Us
TBI offers low cost high quality attention grabbing images, logos & animations custom tailored for each customer's requirements. All TBI Clients receive programming packages that include:
Unlimited Updates Per Month
Customers Can Call, Fax or E-mail Their Request for Update 24/7
Updates Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M. EST - 5:00 P.M. PST
After Hours Voice Mail 7 Days A Week
Same Day Message Updates
Weekly PDF Print Outs
Toll Free Phone 1-800-836-2031 & Fax (888) 836-2558
Easy To Use Update Forms
For a monthly flat rate you also receive:
Daily-Weekly Specials, Custom Logos, Graphics, Ad copy & Animations. City events, Public Service Announcements and Holiday greetings also included.
TBI can help you Maximize the impact of your Digital Display. Content is critical. It motivates people to contact your company and distinguishes you from your competition and increases your companies competitive advantage.
TBI delivers rich media content, builds brand awareness, drives sales all for One Low Monthly Flat Rate. We keep track & schedule all Sales, Rebates, Public Service messages and supply a weekly printout of what is running on your sign.